checkmark1113.jpgThanks to the 1,182 readers who took the time to fill out our most recent reader survey. As promised, we’ve got some results to share with you. First of all, 87% of respondents live in Brooklyn, with the most represented neighborhoods being Park Slope, Clinton Hill, Carroll Gardens, Bed Stuy, Fort Greene and Brooklyn Heights, in that order. Just over 95% of respondents have at least a college degree, with about half of those also having a graduate degree of some kind. Given the education data, it’s not hugely surprising that about 70% of respondents said they earn $100,000 or more a year. Two-thirds of survey takers also own their own place: Of those, 58% own a house, 24% a co-op and 18% a condo. More than half of those currently renting plan to buy within the next two years. And we’re a conservative bunch: 70% have locked in a fixed rate mortgage. When it comes to maintenance and repairs, over 60% of homeowners drop at least $2,500 a year. And we were happy to see this last stat: 36% of people who took the time to respond said they visit the site anywhere from several times a day to obsessively.

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. I cannot believe so many people are making so much money. Must be true because all thouse houses are million dollers, who else can afford??

  2. I think people exaggerate their incomes and education a lot. It is quite difficult to have a self survey where you expect people to be truly honest about their incomes and education.Its sort of like those sub prime mortgage applications where people are expected to report what they make without any checks!!

  3. I always fill out the survey just to make sure us renters who make way below 100K are counted! Um…anyone else out there?

  4. This just proves there are some sick f*$ks who read Brownstoner. Too bad the option “live in parents’ basement and jack off all day” wasn’t an option in the survey.

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