Here’s a development that went completely under our radar! This four-story, four-unit condo hit the market back in November of 2009. We are finally checking in after the four units got their first price cuts just two weeks ago. A two bedroom with 1,641 square feet dropped from $1,400,000 to $1,200,000. A 966 square-foot three bedroom is now $820,000 from $950,000. What do you think of the design? What do you think the owners of the Civil War-era yellow house think of the design?

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  1. Thanks, gogirl. We took a picture of the DOB permit on this building and, for unexplained reasons, it was listed as 322 12th Street. Maybe the Corocan developers are getting their small scale condo developments mixed up themselves. The two buildings are very similar in terms of when they launched, number of units, price cuts, etc. Anyway, we’ve updated the post to reflect the previous inaccuracy.

  2. I like the building design. I wish it were not next to the lovely little frame house but it isn’t one of those boxy fedders nightmares. And I bet the owner of the frame house is happier that it stands between them and the garage.

  3. There was a previous discussion about the building – I remember commenting that I felt sorry for the little yellow house and everyone in it and benson disagreed. Now that the building’s finished, I think it does a masterful job blending in contextually with the parking garage next door.

  4. Essentially land acquired for 2 mil after demo cost (way conservative). What, another 1 mil to build? Should be plenty of room to cut and still profit, no?

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

  5. Nice looking structure and it makes the yellow house pop. The bedrooms in basement is a huge wink wink. Those little smoking balcaonies jutting out keeps smoke from entering back into apt probably.

  6. quote:
    Maybe for the same reason you pay a higher rent to live in the exact same school district you just criticized someone for.

    you stay out of my womb.


  7. WRONG ADDRESS! This is a condo development on 11th street between 7/8th.

    I pass this development every day. This is not 322 12th street.

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