This new listing at 634 Degraw Street may not win any charm competitions but at $999,000 it may take the prize for being the cheapest house in move-in condition in Park Slope. Granted, the location–just in from 4th Avenue–barely qualifies as Park Slope and the renovation has a certain characterless, contractor-y feel to it, but there’s no getting around the fact that this is priced to sell for the location and we suspect will do so rather quickly.
643 Degraw Street [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Actually, it’s very pretty and seems to have plenty of rooms. It’s bound to feel like a real house and have more light than a typical row house — until the finger building goes up. I knew someone in Park Slope w a little patio like that, and it was charming w hanging plants and a BBQ.

  2. Actually, it’s very pretty and seems to have plenty of rooms. It’s bound to feel like a real house and have more light than a typical row house — until the finger building goes up. I knew someone in Park Slope w a little patio like that, and it was charming w hanging plants and a BBQ.