The Carlton Avenue Bridge, part of the Atlantic Yards footprint, is scheduled to close in less than a week for up to two years of reconstruction. Traffic is going to be rerouted to Sixth and Vanderbilt avenues. Atlantic Yards Report sees the closing as the start of a “three-year reconstruction clock,” since the Sixth Avenue Bridge’s one-year rehab is supposed to follow work on the Carlton Avenue Bridge. If that timetable is followed, therefore, it means the earliest the Nets arena would open is January 2011.
Carlton Avenue Bridge Will Close January 16 [AY Report] GMAP
A Sign on Pacific Street [Brit in Brooklyn]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. My daily bike commute now SUCKS. Instead of a very pleasent ride along the bikepath down Carlton I NOW have to take Dean and catch up with Washington Ave. Dangerous and no fun.

    I’m pissed.

  2. The closing of that bridge is one of the first real indications of what life post-atlantic yards will be like. The project, happening or not, has no consideration for the existing communities. To have to walk further to get from p-heights to ft. greene is not an issue of laziness, its an issue of terrible urban planning.
    Its not whining to oppose it. It means someone has an invested interest in the place that they live. Which is what makes a neighborhood desirable in the first place.
    I propose a demonstration on the 16th to at least draw attention to the continuing dismantling of the place in which we live. Its the least we can do before those of us in the footprint are forced from our homes.

  3. whine, whine, whine
    boo hoo hoo
    don’t you people have anything better to do than sit around and bitch about having to walk a little more? god, with all the problems in the world i would think hauling your fat ass another couple of blocks would be good and keep you healthier so my insurance rates don’t keep going up!

    Whose whining who?
    Who has less time me or you.

    Whine or no Whine, Ratner sucks and you folks who bend over for his big you know what…..can yell out neophyte all you want….better than following a greedy “leader type”
    Ratner sucks

  4. Sorry All,
    But really, the way the economy’s going and the fact that this project (the idea that is Atlantic Yards) would add tons of high-end apartments (basically all about oversupplying into the deflating-industry du jour) equals BAD COMBO!

    I was there in the telecommunications bubble that popped before the internet bubble popped. With telecom, it was largely about oversupply. Everyone ran from telecom and the NASDAQ and inflated housing. Et voila. I was predicting this for the last couple of years. Of course, was surprised at how high it went…rather shocked the lenders got so lax, but the volume was crazy and they probably had reduced the staffing model over the years. Who can forget the constant DiTech and MoneyTree, etc. ads nonstop on TV, MetroNorth, LIRR and NJTransit, billboards…hhh…

    Now, add to the mix the fact that it is estimated AY would be a net reduction in area affordable housing, the contentiousness, the need to highjack 100s of Millions of taxpayer $$ right when we might have tax increases… BAD COMBO.

    FCR may sit on whatever they have for quite some time. They’ll tinker, yeah…but that’s it…maybe manage to put the arena and one tower…

    If anything gets built, it’s gunna be the LONGGGG haul method. Gunna be like projects in the 80s that got burned and then sat for a decade or so.

    I’m annoyed, knowing how these things go, that FCR will basically be taking possession of the bridge, using for their own purposes (access, parking, etc)…cutting off Pacific Street so they will kind of rule that street as well and it’ll sit, and sit, and sit and five, six, eight years will go by…

    It’s a shame. The Ratners have no real sense of tzedakah. It is a shame.

  5. 1:02,

    I stand corrected, so let me rephrase:

    The EIS is not in appeal, but will lose anyway.

    The eminent domain case is in appeal and will lose.

    As usual, splitting hairs does not change the fact that this project cannot be stopped.

  6. @ 1:32pm no these people have nothing better else to do b/c they are probably worried about their properties losing it’s lack luster value…Look folks this was going to happen and I am actually glad that it is…hey just move out if you don’t like it! hey you can get 1 million if you decide to sell so why worry.
    I look at it like this AY project is good for Brooklyn and I am all for it!!!

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