Whether it’s the warm weather, bad economy or shortage of police resources, violent crime is way up in some of the poorer parts of North Brooklyn like East New York and Brownsville. “You can’t sit outside [because] you’re worried about if someone is going to come through shooting,” said Shawna Burrus, whose son was murdered on Van Siclen Avenue in April. “It is really bad over there.” Check out The Daily News for more details.

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  1. Seems like the democrats keep on doing things to make it dangerous in Brooklyn, the politicians rid of the stop and frisk information they kept on file and now the very people it protects will now be in more danger from violent criminals. This only hurt minorities.

  2. from article–”
    Overall, crime – including rape, felony assault, robbery and auto theft – has climbed 2.5% in North Brooklyn over the first six months of the year.”

    if that is your definition of spiking, fine. Otherwise I call it sensationalist headlines. cheap.

  3. BQE to LIE to Van Wyck. Traffic subsides quickly. Too many potholes on Atlantic. Improvements underway but not fast enough.

    Someone (not DIBS) on here told me long ago that crime didn’t spike during depressions.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***