On Sunday, the bicycle advocacy group Transportation Alternatives handed out free coffee and bagels to riders to celebrate the removal of the steel plate speed bumps that had the bike path a veritable obstacle course for riders. After numerous accidents and lawsuits, the city succumbed to pressure to smooth the ride. How smooth, you ask? Harry Dombroski, who makes the daily commute to his job in Greenpoint via his old black 12-speed, said “I could probably drink the coffee while I’m riding now–It’s that smooth.”
Bridge Is So Smooth [NY Times]

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  1. Oh please. If you want to get into it, no one is more unruly and less law abiding than NYC pedestrians. If cyclists were given proper infrastructure, travel lanes and traffic signals as is done in non-barbaric cities around the world, then cyclists would not act as much like outlaws. What you haters have to realize is that when peds and cyclists are fighting with each other, they’re letting the real enemy, the motorists, get away easy. Peds and bikes are squeezed together onto the edges of the streets while the least efficient, most costly, most destructive mode of transport is given the majority of public space. Fight the cars if you want to be useful.

  2. you know, I really really have to agree with you anon, I have lost track of counting the times where a cyclist-pseudo elitist has caused me a problem.
    They ride the wrong way on streets, they ride on sidewalks and yell at you to move, despite the fact its illegal for them to even be on the sidewalk, they run redlights and ignore crossing signals.
    For somereason they seem to think that because they are not in a car that they are superior and that pedisterains do not exist. I would rather have cars in prosepct park than bikes, I have ot been hit by a car, but I’ve been hit and side swiped by bicycles more times than I can remember in the park. They are a menace.

  3. I walk a lot on the Bridge, and it’s been a very affective way to keep bikers from abusing pedestrians, so here is another example of the city caving in.
    It always bothers me to see the same bikers who complain about drivers being rude to them, but when they are bet. pedestrians they are as aggressive and abusive or even more.