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  1. Hey listen Pink Taco – my dogs would fight over who gets to kill it – my point is most animals would not go into a house when they hear barking or smell animalia.

    Also we live in Carroll Gardnes so this doesnt apply to us.

  2. Dogs? You mean those over weight spoiled domestiated four-legged children in The Slope.Hell they wouldn’t know what to do with a Raccoon.They probably saw old girl at the window and told her to come on in an take a load off.Leave the kid outside,had enuf of them.pffstt. Beer’s in the frig

  3. Do people in park slope not have dogs?

    I read this early this morning on FIPS and it is hysterical – I feel bad about the baby- Mom prob cried out and the baby knew mum was dead..

    But reading about the goats has tested my bladder and I need to go and do kegels now.

  4. OK, that FIPS post was hilarous. The raccoons are definitely taking over in Park Slope. A friend found FOUR trashing her house, called 911, and the police came over and ran them off with squirt guns. Swear to god!

  5. Furminator-a bat made an unwelcome appearance in my apt too (in Michigan though where i go to school) and it took four maintenance guys and a tennis racket to get it out.

    i freaked out when i woke up to a bat flying around. i would just about die if i had to wake up to a raccoon (dead or alive) in my living space. god, i HATE wildlife.

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