Tomorrow from 1 to 5 p.m. tour-goers will get a chance to visit five houses in the Heights, including an 1860’s brick house with restored 19th-century architectural details a noteworthy collection of Biedermeier furniture collection. Also on the tour: A 150-year-old sanctuary of the Zion German Evangelical Lutheran Church with stained-glass windows and recently restored ceiling murals. Reservations are recommended, at (718). 858-9193 and Tickets, $30, on the day of the tour only, starting at 12:30 p.m. at 129 Pierrepont Street (near Clinton Street). Unfortunately, no kids under 13 are allowed (except for infants in front packs) so we’re not going to be making it. (We somehow made it through the Fort Greene tour with our one-year-old in a backpack without incident.) Can someone please take a picture for us of the triple-wide garden that is supposed to be on the tour!
House and Gardens Open Up [NY Times]

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  1. Anonymous 1:19wrote “Any more news on the Ditmas Park House Tour in June? Where can I get tickets?”

    Click on the “House and Gardens Open Up” link near the top of this item. The NY Times has a very comprehensive listing on their website (although the PRINT version in yesterday’s Times was VERY abbreviated). Ditmas Park is included in the June 11th Flatbush tour, on p.2 of the NYT listing. The only part of Flatbush that has a separate tour is my own PLG (our’s is June 4th–and–BTW–my house will be on it).

  2. Re: BH’s “infants in front packs” restriction, even “lowly” PLG insists on that (although, unlike the Heights, we would NEVER ban children)–we DO ask people with babies in backpacks to take them off and carry their kids in the houses because we’ve had instances of parents with kids on their backs inadvertantly doing damage in the close quarters of crowded houses. Nothing personal Mr. B–I hope you’ll consider coming on our tour in June).

  3. I’ve gone on the BH tour and clearly they are charging the right price bcs they get a huge turnout. The BH Assoc was the first to get behind their public school turnaround with a 50K grant early on when it was really needed. I wish my neighborhood association could do the same.

  4. 10:38: I volunteered at last year’s tour and was stationed in the house on Pierrepont for 4 hours. I still think about it too, especially the parlor floor kitchen with the floor to ceiling cabinets.

  5. It’s the Brooklyn Heights Association’s big fundraiser. That and membership is what makes up their operating budget. That’s why it’s fully tax deductible.

    Frankly I don’t think people would open their homes if it wasn’t for a cause.

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