What happened when the Hasidim used their considerable political clout to get the MTA to block ads for Georgi Vodka from bus stops in Crown Heights? Bikini-clad babes hit the streets in protest. More on Fox News…

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  1. Actually Jacquar, I take it back. You can’t go ahead and say I’m whining. Another overused and somewhat bullying way to get people to back off of their perspective.

    To whine is to complain childishly in a ‘plaintive’ or high-pitched tone. I respectfully submit there isn’t a thing childish about my perspective or feelings about this, nor have you any idea what tone I was using. But I assure you it wasn’t high-pitched. So there. 😉

  2. you guys do know this brand of vodka is the CHEAPEST that exists right, well just one step above alexi. it’s essentially bum vodka which is why i find it very odd they are advertising to begin with!? it’s actually hobo vodka. it’s what i use to make my summertimes shantinis!


  3. I can’t imagine NOT looking at an ad that is provacative, no matter how tacky–exactly the point of making them I suppose. I think the people who demanded the removal of the ads did so BECAUSE they knew members of their community would want to look. I wonder about religious communities–and they come in all creeds–that depend on withdrawing from the “real” world in order to survive. Sounds like a pretty fragile faith if it would crumble from exposure to secular 21st century.

  4. Has anybody actually seen the ad? It was in today’s Daily News. It was basically a bikini clad butt. No front. No cleavage. Not much to it. I can only imagine what would happen if a woman wearing a mini skirt and a tank top walked down the street in that neighborhood. Those guys would apparently spontaneously combust from the sexual pressure. What is it with fundamentalists that their idea of modesty is that women need to cover up because it is too tempting for men otherwise? If they really don’t want to see tits and ass, then don’t stare at ads on buses or women walking down the street. Problem solved. I want to go on record as agreeing that oversexualized media is probably not a good thing but that it also isn’t the ruination of society that some here seem to believe. The vodka ad in question is tacky. It probably wouldn’t persuade me one way or the other to buy that brand of vodka. I tend to think children, at least mine, are raised well enough and are smart enough to understand that the media manipulates sex and that those images aren’t even real, they are a fantasy. No matter what, this vodka company wins since the whole freaking country is talking about their tacky ad. I am tempted to say that people need to just get over it, sex sells, nothing wrong with butts in bikinis, you could see much more revealing outfits on girls actually riding a bus in NYC, etc., and why do Americans make such a big deal about sex, but I don’t want to offend anybody here since apparently these ads are basically forced into everybody’s eyeballs and there is no way to possibly avoid looking at them.

  5. As someone who’s been around for more decades than most of you, I am shocked everyday by something I see, read, or hear about that wasn’t in the public eye before. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m offended by it. I’m more offended by the Hecht’s statement that he “has a right to travel through his neighborhood with his children and not be offended”, and especially by the MTA acceding to the demands of one group of people rather than applying the same standards everywhere.

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