Solar Power in New York City Can Save You Money (and Help Save the Planet)
There are many incentives available to city homeowners who want to adopt solar power, which is why it’s becoming more common in New York City.

For years most solar contractors developed systems for suburban customers — a poor fit for the urban built environment.
But Brooklyn SolarWorks has closed the gap. After mastering the City’s complex code, zoning, and permitting rules, the company designed new installation methods that include two options: the Brooklyn Solar Canopy and Brooklyn Solar Tilt Rack. Both types can bring solar panels to flat city roofs full of stuff, including skylights, air conditioners, and roof decks.
As a result, solar has become a reality for many New York City homeowners.
What’s net metering?
If you’re an NYC homeowner considering installing solar panels, you might have questions like: How do I store the energy my system produces? What happens at night when there’s no sun?
The answer to both: net metering!
Simply put, net metering is a billing mechanism that allows you to store your solar energy as retail energy credits to be used at a later date. FDNY currently does not allow solar batteries in residential settings. However, net metering acts as a virtual battery – when your system produces in excess, that extra energy will be exported into the grid and Con Ed credits you for it on your future electric bills.
So at night, on a cloudy winter day, or other times of low sunlight, you’ll still be able to utilize your solar power.
Through net metering, the average NYC homeowner can drastically reduce their bills from Con Ed, and save on energy costs for decades.
Solar incentives in NYC
New York City is home to some of the best government incentives for installing home solar. Through federal, state, and local tax credits and rebates, homeowners can see up to 70 percent of their project costs covered.
- The federal government covers 30 percent of your project costs through an income tax credit.
- New York State covers $5,000 of your project costs through an income tax credit, and provides a $0.20 per watt rebate to reduce your upfront costs.
- Some New York homeowners can also take advantage of a 20 percent Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Tax Credit, depending on where you live.
- New York City also covers 20% of your project costs through a property tax abatement, reducing your property taxes incrementally over the course of five years.
How much of an impact does solar actually have?
Our city stands to benefit greatly from solar – clean energy use means less greenhouse gas emissions, healthier air, a more resilient power grid, and decreased energy costs.
The average Brooklyn SolarWorks customer offsets 11,758 pounds of CO2 emissions every year. This is equivalent to:
- 12,782 miles driven by a gas-powered vehicle.
- 1.69 tons of waste recycled.
- 138 trees planted.
Do you want to save $50,000 on electricity over the lifetime of your system?
Reach out to Brooklyn SolarWorks today.
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