Register Now for Free Webinar 'How to Sell and Buy: Trading Up to Get More Space'
This webinar will explore how to get started if you need to sell before you buy — and the options available when buying and selling simultaneously.

The last year has changed the way many of us use our homes. For many people, a home office is now essential. If your space no longer meets your needs, then check out the free webinar “How to Sell and Buy: Trading Up to Get More Space” on September 23 at 3:30 p.m.
The webinar will cover how to start planning for trading up and will explore the multiple options available when navigating buying and selling simultaneously.
Topics will include: How do I get started if I need to sell in order to buy? What is the best way to navigate this process in the current market? Are there any strategies or tips for making this process easier?
On hand to outline the process will be Amanda McAvena, licensed real estate salesperson at Compass, who has helped numerous sellers transition from one home to the next.
Lawrence Adler, an attorney at Lustrin Tetelman Adler LLP, specializes in residential transactions and will explain how selling and buying contracts can be negotiated simultaneously.
Sponsors include Compass and Lustrin Tetelman Adler LLP.
To learn about hosting and sponsorship opportunities for Brownstoner Home Events, please get in touch here.
[Photos via Compass]
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