Their three-year prepaid policy is the number one reason why single- and multifamily-building owners come to Brownstone Agency. Here’s why they’re the only agency doing it:

Brownstone agency
Photo by Susan De Vries

Price is always the primary issue: In the last two years, annual insurance increases for multifamily homeowners have approached 30 percent.

“There is no such thing in the market right now as flat renewal pricing,” said Brownstone Agency marketing and sales agent Laura Allocco. “I don’t care what carrier it is. They are all increasing at renewal.”

That’s why Brownstone Agency’s three-year prepaid policy has been so successful. It allows you to lock in this year’s rate.

Expertise matters: According to Brownstone Agency President/CEO John Simone, the prepaid policy has been the agency’s niche since the 1970s.

“No other insurance agency has that policy,” he said. “They’ve tried, but they just don’t have the market expertise that we have.”

The value of volume: Simone goes on to point out that carriers generally dislike three-year prepaid policies. “They like to see an annual policy because they earn their premium faster,” he said. “But for us, we write so many of these policies and have such a large book of business that it makes sense for the carrier to come in and utilize us.”

To protect your investment, reach out to Brownstone Agency today and inquire about locking in a low rate with their three-year prepaid policy.

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