greenbelt-rendering-01-2008.jpgThe marketers behind a new Williamsburg condo called Greenbelt are really pushing the condo’s eco- and artist-friendly features. The Greenbelt team says the eight-unit building 361 Manhattan Avenue is expected to receive an LEED Gold rating and save around 46 percent of a standard building’s energy costs (its many green bells and whistles include a solar energy collector on the roof and a passive heat recovery system). The building is also going to have a 4,000-square-foot, nonprofit performing arts center on the ground floor. So it’s definitely got great credentials—but will it sell? The units are mostly two-bedrooms; the single, 710-square-foot top-floor one-bedroom is going for $599,000, while the two-bedrooms topping 1,000 square feet are going for between $759,000 and $815,000. The healthy sales at the green condo in the South Slope, 515 Fifth Avenue, certainly indicate that the market is receptive to eco-friendly builds—we’ll find out if that’s true in the Burg, too.
Greenbelt [Homepage] GMAP
Greenbelt Listings [Apts and Lofts]
Williamsburg’s Greenbelt Getting Green [Curbed]

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  1. The green angle is a much bigger selling point than people making comments here seem to realize, especially given how few there are. Also, keep in mind that the enregy and maintenance costs will bee much, much lower, so that alone is worth some extra money upfront.

    Glad to hear about this project, hope to see more like it.

  2. Seriously 5:16pm. I come to this blog pretty infrequently and I am almost always astonished at the bitchy-moany quality of 90% of the comments on here. Guess what folks, there’s OTHER blogs if you really don’t like these topics. Unless, that is, that you’re JUST here to complain about real estate in NYC. In which case, either know what you’re talking about or get a friggin life.

  3. Hey 10:56, what condos in the area are sitting around unfinished and/ or not doing well? You mean the ones that aren’t finished because they’re still being built? They even finished that doomed project Maze, that was sitting around for a couple of years after they nearly killed their neighbor with a constructions mishap. And that shiteous thing is selling!

    I know this area very well, and I’ve seen just about every house and condo that’s been up for sale here in the last couple of years. Not a broker, just a homeowner who wants a sense of the local market, and fascinated (occasionally mortified) by the incredibly rapid changes gripping the neighborhood. Most of all, I’ve been shocked at how they’ve been able to sell just about everything that’s been built–including some of the ugliest, cheapest looking crap I’ve ever seen.

    I have no crystal ball, so I don’t know whether this one will sell or not. The ignorance in some of these comments, clear as day to me when they’re about an area I know, is disheartening.

  4. it’s maybe too expensive for that part of williamsburg.

    at the end of the day, don’t know how many people care about the Green thing enough to spend more per square foot. guess we’ll see.

  5. 11:11

    Again, don’t fish.

    If you look past your own tinfoil hat wearing index finger, you’ll see that there are numerous properties and realty companies that advertise all over this site on each page. Look up at the Forte. Remember a couple days back when everyone was Forte bashing? Guess what, the Forte ad was right above it on bash day.

    Seriously, I LOVE to find advertising bias. I revel in it. I am one of those snarky bastards who LOVE to stir shit up.

    Its just not happening as you suggest it.

    You need to get web savvy.

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