On Friday a new comic book store opened on Bergen Street between 5th Avenue and Flatbush. Bergen Street Comics comes c/o a husband-and-wife team who told us it’s their first business venture. The blog Geekanerd hailed its arrival by noting that it’s “not just any old comic shop, but one with leather seats, exposed brick, and original art on the walls. Rocketship may finally have some competition for all those Best Comic Store in Brooklyn awards.” The shop is located on the Pintchik-owned stretch that’s seen the arrival of a bunch of new businesses in the past few years, including Babeland, Organic Heights and Unnameable Books. Click through for an interior shot.
Bergen Street Comics [Official Site]
Bergen Street Comics Opens In Brooklyn’s Park Slope [Geekanerd] GMAP


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  1. I stopped in with my family on the first Saturday they opened and the owners were so nice. They said they had nearly sold out of kids’ selections the night before, so that was a good sign that they had tapped into a potential customer base. (More on the way, they said…) I think this is a great addition to the neighborhood. I’ve never been to Rocketship (not really a comic reader myself), but I know my husband and kids will stop in here.

    I also think the Pintchik guys are creating their “dream street” here and I hope they’ll help support these nice little shops they’ve brought in by not being too aggressive on raising the rent.

  2. I wish someone would open an equivalent to something I saw in Europe. There was a store that was basically like a library for comic books. There was an annual membership fee (~25 euros), and then you could borrow any graphic novel for a week at around 1 euro. I mean, I read most graphic novels in 1-2 days, and then I’m stuck with it or I give it away to a friend. Few stores will give you a trade in value too for graphic novels.

    I really think that sort of model could kick some serious butt in New York, Brooklyn specifically.

    Also, despite my previously hater-filled post/doubts, I really do hope that Bergen Street Comics makes it. This store would be way more of a win when compared to what could be there.

  3. Many thanks to Gabby for the post! We’re thrilled to be open and hope people will turn out for our Grand Opening party on Saturday, March 14th from 6pm – 9pm. For the record, we respect and admire what other shops in Brooklyn and NYC are doing. We expect to find our own way and make our customers happy. See you all on Bergen Street.

  4. I hope it succeeds. I wonder how many comics they have to sell each month to pay the rent. Pintchik rents are usually pretty high, unless these folks managed to take advantage of the times and negotiate something reasonable. The Pintchik’s are know for leaving stores vacant for years while they wait for their “price”.

  5. I think this could work. It is in the same category as Rocketship or Desert Island, but catering to a different neighborhood. Although Rocketship is not that far away, I can’t see people in the Slope dropping in regularly now that there is a similar place closer to them. (Tony Millionaire will be unlikely to appear at any of them, as he moved to Pasedena.)

  6. The new store is fabulous. Incredibly friendly, approachable and no scary old school comic store fanboys. More of a focus on the art and storytelling.

    And btw- they’re having an opening reception this coming Saturday night.

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