Today The Times has a story about how the city is trying to make the Prospect Park loop safer following a few recent accidents in which bicyclists have hit pedestrians. Temporary orange traffic barrels have been installed on a stretch of the road in an attempt to make bikers slow down, though it’s unclear whether they’re working: “On Saturday afternoon, some cyclists navigated through them with ease, rarely braking as they rode down the hill and through the intersection. Others appeared confused, weaving into the pedestrian lane rather than continuing through the narrow funnel created by the barrels. One unsteady in-line skater crashed in front of the center row.” Other measures being considered include “stronger law enforcement, new traffic patterns, better signage and an educational campaign.”
Prospect Park Takes Steps to Slow Cyclists [NY Times]
Photo by h-bomb

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  1. Dave, yes we are. the operator of the vehicle, in this case a bicycle, needs to heed pedestrians. They can’t just say “the lady got in my way, it’s her fault”

  2. It adds insult to injury to describe accident victims, who are trying to recuperate from their broken bones and other injuries, as “clueless” or “stupid”.
    It is incredibly mean-spirited on the part of bicycle racing proponents to denigrate the intellectual capacity of accident victims mowed down in the park.

  3. It adds insult to injury to describe accident victims, who are trying to recuperate from their broken bones and other injuries, as “clueless” or “stupid”.
    It is incredibly mean-spirited on the part of bicycle racing proponents to denigrate the intellectual capacity of accident victims mowed down in the park.