968 atlantic avenue crown heights 112014

Exposed brick and beams give this three-bedroom Italianate on Atlantic Avenue in Crown Heights a rustic-industrial feel. The kitchen is small but seems to have everything, including some basic wooden shelves, a big farmhouse-type sink, a range and a washer/dryer. The wooden tables on either side of the stove stay with the apartment, the broker told us, so there’s counter space.

The location isn’t bad — about two long blocks from the C at Clinton/Washington and four blocks to the C and S at Franklin. But the rent could be cheaper, considering it’s on Atlantic Avenue, the setup is pretty basic, and tenants pay for their own heat. What are your thoughts on it for $3,200 a month?

968 Atlantic Avenue, #3 [Corcoran] GMAP

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  1. While I agree that the price is outrageous, this part of Atlantic isn’t anywhere near as bad as some are making it out to seem and has actually improved greatly over the years. There is a new, huge club/restaurant (Milk River) and decent housing stock further down the block. Now Atlantic Avenue DOES take a turn for the worse once you pass Grand Avenue, but this block isn’t bad at all (it’s actually “better” looking that most of Atlantic Avenue in Prospect Heights is, which, to the new neighborhood purists, starts only a block away). That said, given that it is on the speedway part of Atlantic and looks run down generally, I wouldn’t pay even half the asking price. Granted, things will change in that area even more pretty quickly given the AY development only blocks away. But the block, while not terrible, isn’t “there” yet.

  2. “Cottage like 3 bedrooms oasis on Atlantic Avenue”
    The broker has never been on Atlantic Avenue if they think that location is an oasis.
    The broker has never been in a cottage if they think that apt is cottage like

  3. Location isn’t bad? It’s horrible. On an industrial stretch with car repair shops and night clubs as neighbors, not to mention it’s on Atlantic. If you value sleep this isn’t the place for you.