Most of the price revisions you see these days are of the downward variety, so we were a little surprised to see some up arrows next to the three units at 190 Freeman Street. From the photos available, it’s not readily apparent to us why the developers have such unbridled confidence at a time when fringier areas are feeling the most pain, but maybe they know something we don’t!

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  1. Greenpoint Parks:
    1. McCarren Park — very large park
    2. Winthrop Park (as we natives know it) aka McGolrick Park
    3. American Park (on Franklin St)
    4. one down by Commerical Street & the water — don’t remember the name

  2. Chill out folks. Reality of the situation is that buyers are lowballing the hell out of these realtors. You jack up the asking price so when the low ball offers come in, they’re a little bit better.

  3. “i don’t live in greenpoint, but i would.”

    Same here. If I’m forced out of my favorite part of NYC (Cobble Hill) and can’t afford any nearby ‘hoods, Greenpoint would be next on my list of “places I could live and probably wouldn’t hate”.

  4. i have no insight into the thoughts of the developers, but greenpoint is hardly fringe. it’s full of restaurants, clubs, parks, shops, very good and reasonably priced markets and grocery stores, nice people, etc… remember there’s no public housing there and no ghetto. also, you have quick and easy access to the amenities in williamsburg and LIC.

    personally, i think that any developer there should build family sized apts though instead of 1 bed rms. as one of greenpoint’s biggest strengths are it’s public schools. i know several families that moved to greenpoint either for PS34 or 31.

    regarding the g, some take it, others take the B61 that shoots down driggs, and they get on the L @ driggs and N.7th (it’s the other entrance to the bedford stop). my assistant lives off franklin street and loves it – if you don’t know franklin – go check it out – it’s a great street- wonderful shops, pretty old brick buildings, really good restaurants. franklin street is really what brooklyn is all about. anyway, she rides her bike to the bedford L – tons of people do that as well. she thinks her commute is mellow.

    i don’t live in greenpoint, but i would.

  5. I agree… definitely underpriced. $500k for a 1-bedroom apartment is absolutely a great buy! 3 months ago, I’m sure the appropriate price would have been $750k or more… The brownstoner clan should be skittish now! Be strong and keep supporting these price tags!

    If you can’t stand behind a $500k apartment in Greenpoint now, how do you expect us to believe you when you say your brownstone is worth $3.7 million when you decide to sell next year?! (after paying only $300k a decade ago)