
State Assemblywoman Joan Millman is in the midst of brokering a deal to bring Citi Bike to an unused vacant streetside strip of tarmac in Carroll Gardens, DNAinfo reported. The empty lot at 336 Union Street runs along Smith Street and housed the outdoor Brooklyn Indie Market until 2010. Last week, the three unused kiosks left over from the market and covered in graffiti were removed, said the story. Millman reached out to the owner of the lot, who agreed to the plan, and also proposed it to Citi Bike officials. It would be unusual to locate a station on private land, but the lot appears to be the perfect size and shape for a station, and it wouldn’t take up precious on-street parking spaces. So far, Carroll Gardens doesn’t have a station. Do you think this would be a good spot for one?

Official Asks Citi Bike to Roll Out Station at Vacant Smith Street Lot [DNAinfo]
Photo by Nikhita Venugopal for DNAinfo

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  1. Ah yes… everything must be evaluated under the prism of how it will ultimately impact on “precious on-street parking spaces”.

    I wonder if Citi Bike makes sense even if it does result in the loss of a few taxpayer subsidized, free parking for car owners?