pink_161009.jpgLocal media were abuzz recently when Park Slope’s hard-to-miss pink brownstone on Garfield Place went on the market for nearly $2.3 million, but The Brooklyn Paper reported yesterday that Heights Berkeley Realty, the firm selling the house, took the property off the market due to legal complications. The grandson of owner Bernie Henry, who painted the house bright pink in the 1960s, “is under investigation for forging key documents that have put a cloud over who has legal ownership of the building,” according to the Paper. As for the ostentatious color of the home, the article mentions that of course a buyer could repaint it, but one local resident commented: “It’s like anything else in life: at first, you hate it because it’s new. But then you come to love it. And then you don’t want it to ever change.”
Famed Pink House Pulled Off Market in Legal Dispute [Brooklyn Paper]
Park Slope’s Pink House 4 Sale [Gothamist]
Photo by Karen Bonna Rainert

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