houseBrooklyn Heights
20 Grace Court Alley
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 2-3:30
GMAP P*Shark

houseBrooklyn Heights
18 Willow Place
Sunday 11:30-1
GMAP P*Shark

housePark Slope
702 President Street
Warren Lewis
Sunday 11-12:30
GMAP P*Shark

272 Berry Street
Sunday 3-4:30
GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Open House choices… $2.41 Million average price. Are you effing kidding me?!

    I’m glad there are a lot of people with gobs of money — If I can get you a $50,000 reduction on your next house purchase, can you give the cash to me? I don’t know what I’d do and it might not be ethical… but I just want to share in just a smidgen of this unbridled wealth. Just a little.

    Let me know.

  2. Lincoln, those apts should get that price. My biggest gripe is that I don’t want people renting from me anywhere other than the garden level…and they enter under the stoop. I don’t want to have people traipsing up and down that beautiful stairway which I want all myself…especially if I’m spending anywhere close to $1.8MM. It was that issue that drove me to a 3 storey and not a 4 storey even though I could have had a greater income stream.

  3. DIBS, was it 22 Remsen? I don’t think sold yet as it would definitely be in the Last Week’s Biggest Sales feature. I guess our bet is irrelevant anyway, as I’ve already organized two drinkups since we made it.

    Ringo, agree with what you say. But I think the current owners are a young couple with no kids. I thought there was parking with the house, but I’m sure the listing would have mentioned it if so. There are two parking spots behind the gate in the picture. They must both belong to the owner of the carriage house you see on the left, which, by the way, belongs to the Listing Agent of 20 Grace Court Alley. That might explain the high asking price and desire of both the Seller and the Agent to get the highest price possible.

  4. New York City’s future ghost towers
    May 27, 2009 06:19PM
    By Sarah Ryley

    You remember Sarah Ryley right? She was a writer on Brownstoner a few years back and I wonder why Jon did not post this story.

    and download the PDF on this story it’s fucking scary!!!!

    This Fall is going to be fun. Buh Bye Retards..

    The What

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  5. How much do you think the President House will really sell for? I think its beautiful, and each of those apartments will probably get at least $1,800? Not sure, but I think if you brought it down a bit it wouldn’t be a bad price, especially if we get painfully massive inflation soon.

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