houseBrooklyn Heights
5 Columbia Place
Douglas Elliman
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

housePark Slope
97 Park Place
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 12:30-2
GMAP P*Shark

houseSouth Slope
148 14th Street
Warren Lewis
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
608 Madison Street
Sunday 2-3:30
GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Also, looking closely at the South Slope house, it looks like it’s been hacked up a bit…that exposed brick wall is sort of odd…and has the garden floor ceiling been dropped? Looks really low.

    But if the top floor rentals generate %3,000 free and clear each month, it could be a decent deal, but not a screaming one. It just doesn’t look very comfortable to me.

    Think I’d want to put the kitchen on the parlor floor, though, and have the bedrooms downstairs if I was going to keep it as an owner’s duplex.

  2. Well, speaking of 10 percent down and not stretching, if we have only $10,000 or $20,000 left over in cash when we’re done, is that enough? Because you have to count on little plumbing emergencies with these old houses.

    MM, that is funny about Prospect Park. I didn’t see that.

    Brownstoning, what do you mean the Park Place house is a “wreck”? Do you mean they don’t have working plumbing and heat? That would explain the “low” price.

  3. Mopar, cool house. Like Amzi, I don’t get that far out there. I’ll have to make a special trip to see it. I absolutely love the cabinets, too. Wow. The top floor window and balcony look great, too. Wouldn’t that be a fantastic master suite? Looks like a lot of land, too, if the lot next door is included, which looks that way from the bad description.

    Fillmore does not know how to put an ad together, it’s all about them, nothing about the house, which is what someone would be interested in. Their description of Bed Stuy is ridiculous, too. “Bed Stuy’s new found popularity is credited to its proximity to the Prospect Park and the Grand Army Plaza complex”. Uh huh. Bed Stuy at Nostrand and Fulton is not close to Prospect Park, This house is practically in Bushwick, and about as close to Prospect Park as Bay Ridge is to Prospect Park. I hate real estate hype.

  4. Hate to burst the bubble here but I saw the PP house at an open house in December. It is a wreck — in need of a gut renovation basically which I think would cost at least $600k. It’s got great bones and detail but is an absolute mess.

  5. I have good credit, a stable job, and 95K in savings to use for a down payment and closing costs. My partner makes enough to contribute another $1300/mo, but wouldn’t be on my mortgage application. I pre-qualified for a 500K mortgage in August.
    We are paying $2500 in rent; our lease is up in August. I’ve been looking at apartments, but this thread is making me interested in looking for a two- or three-family house instead in Bed Stuy.
    How do you find out about and bid on foreclosures? Does anyone know a real estate agent or lawyer who can walk you through that? (Or maybe I should wait six months and see how far prices fall? I don’t want to wait to the point that interest rates start going back up.)
    And does anyone know if the houses on Hancock and Decatur mentioned by other posters are in foreclosure?

  6. If I had 10%, I’d be fairly comfy buying — my wife and I make good money (when we both have jobs) have awesome credit scores, and have *no* debt.

    We have no plan to spend more than $500k, which with 10% down would result in monthly charges, including taxes and PMI, pretty much exactly the same as what we pay right now in rent. Perhaps even cheaper.

    The only way we would go over $500k is if the property had a rental unit or units. We’ll be up to having that 10% down very quickly, if her job search doesn’t last too long.

    That means that even with a low down payment, we’re not going to be house-poor, because we’re not buying anything that would cause us to be so. Unlike a lot of first-time buyers, we’re not stretching.

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