housePark Slope
106 Park Place
Sunday 12:30-2:30
GMAP P*Shark

houseCarroll Gardens
304 President Street
Douglas Elliman
Sunday 1-3
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
171 Bainbridge Street
Stuyvesant Heights Brokerage
Sunday 12-1
GMAP P*Shark

houseBrooklyn College
2777 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn Properties
Sunday 2:30-4
GMAP P*Shark

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  1. They don’t own homes, though 2:21. And that’s what the poster was referring to. His parents OWNING a home in Bensonhurst.

    No on on that salary is buying property in NYC in 2008. Or extremely few.

    And actually the commenter you are referring to specifically said…”i’m being serious, not snarky” so I do believe it is you who is being “touchy”

    I think they were more saying they were impressed with people who can make it on that salary. You need to up your meds a little bit.

    Too angry, bud.

  2. “It’s obvious that your low self esteem forces you to assert yourself in a manner which includes talking down to people to make you feel as though you are smarter than everyone else.

    Do half those who own homes in New York City make under 30,000 a year?

    Because I do believe that’s what the poster was talking about. New York City.

    There is a large difference in the cost of living in this city compared with much of the country, and I would also find it next to impossible to survive on 30,000 a year here. Even as a renter.

    Do yourself a favor and stop twisting words around to suit your own little agenda.”

    No need to be touchy, 11:31, unless you felt the sting of people being characterized as feeling “entitled” just because they got born into the right families.

    An earlier commenter noted that his parent owned a house and never earned more than about 33K a year, and a subsequent snotty response was essentially that no real person could live on such a pittance — a response you have now repeated. I would just note that the latest median earnings reported for 11223, the zip code of Gravesend (I assume similar to Bensonhurst, the neighborhood in question) was 37K a year for men and 30K a year for women. Half of earners, of course, got less. Sorry if it hurts you to be made aware of this situation, but it’s just a fact.

    You may think it’s impossible to live on such an income, but if you knew anything about the city you live in, you’d know there were millions of people here doing just that.

  3. People who talk about NYC income and real estate prices like NYC is the only place on the whole entire planet that is the way it is, it’s just so utterly stupid.

    Ever heard of London? Paris? Tokyo? There’s a whole world outside NYC. Don’t know if you knew that. And in ALL these major international cities the RE prices are extraordinarily high. In fact, NYC is more affordable than those cities by a huge margin. Get an education and learn something about the world outside of Brooklyn.

  4. Regarding Dubai, how ironic that the very people who drive rising sea levels through their oil businesses, which emit much of the world’s greenhouse gases, will undoubtedly be some of the first to experience the devastating effects of climate change.

  5. 9:43:

    It’s obvious that your low self esteem forces you to assert yourself in a manner which includes talking down to people to make you feel as though you are smarter than everyone else.

    Do half those who own homes in New York City make under 30,000 a year?

    Because I do believe that’s what the poster was talking about. New York City.

    There is a large difference in the cost of living in this city compared with much of the country, and I would also find it next to impossible to survive on 30,000 a year here. Even as a renter.

    Do yourself a favor and stop twisting words around to suit your own little agenda.

  6. “how does someone who works all their life end up making 30K a year after all those years? i’m being serious, not snarky.

    that was my starting salary as a 24 year old with a job in the arts in 2000.

    i thought it was not enough to live on at the time.”

    Well, really, you’re being ignorant about how half or more of the country lives. Do you have any idea what the median income in the US is? A little over $40,000. That means that half the whole country is living on something like the $33,000 quoted above. You are obviously an incredibly privileged person, something you ought to start recognizing.

    It is an annoyance of lurking here that most commenters (not to mention brownstoner himself) take as an entitlement, as something they deserve and did not acquire largely by the accident of birth into the upper middle class, an incredibly high standard of living.


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