The second hearing about the future of 329 and 331 MacDonough Street, the two Stuyvesant Heights brownstones threatened with demolition after the collapse of a party wall last week, was held yesterday afternoon at 360 Adams Street. Here’s a report we received from a resident of the block:

The Judge called in the lawyers and engineers leaving the public in the hall to wonder what was happening. After an hour the public was allowed in and told that the engineers would have until Wednesday Jan. 27th to present a plan to save the properties. Mrs. Prince, the owner of 331 MacDonough St., has retained a lawyer and engineer in the hopes of saving her property. The Judge has told the public that he is aware of their concerns but, the issue will be resolved by the engineers and our presence in court on the 27th will not be necessary.

Meanwhile, we also contact the Landmarks Preservation Commission to get a better sense of their position and ability to act as advocates for preservation in this case. Here’s the response we got:

Members of our staff have visited the site, and are communicating extensively with the Department of Buildings about these important buildings. Under the Landmarks Law, no Landmarks approval is needed for measures the Department of Buildings must take to address public safety issues. We are advocating for saving as much of the buildings as is safely possible, while deferring to the Department’s engineering knowledge and experience in public safety matters. Landmarks and Buildings have a long history of working together to save historic buildings, and this case is no exception.

We’re also curious to hear how active a role (if any) Councilman Al Vann, who owns a house on the historic block, has taken in the situation. Can anyone tell us?
MacDonough Street Update 1/25/10 [Brownstoner]
Wall Collapse, Vacate Order, Maybe Demo on MacDonough [Brownstoner]

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  1. Tish was not there on Al Vann’s behalf! If anyone falls for that (especially those who have been on the block for the last week) they deserve the representation they have. Now the politicians are circling the wagons…

  2. Tish said she was there on Van’s behalf since he was/is out of town. She said she used to work for him.

    Rumour has it that concrete pouring has been approved, which would signal a major break through for the owners. Stay tuned . . .

  3. Yes, it was sad about Butternut but both I and, more importantly another investor I brought in wanted to pull back after the market went south.

    That said, Ardenia has secured the lease at Solomon’s Porch and it will go forward there. There’s work being done inside now.

    I’m just hoping for good fresh bread here and I know the guy we have that will supply it makes really great bread!!!

  4. Don’t think so Dave. I was able to connect the name with the face when Butternut set up for the Lewis Ave fair. Real bummer about that btw. I’ll introduce myself next time I see you in the hood.

  5. Right you are Dave.

    I live down the block from you and know a neighbor of the bldg in question. Have offered a free hand in the dangerous stuff if needed.

    I got carried away on this post.

  6. I like watching fsrq & pig three go at it over pointing and structural issues and the pissing contest over their reflective credentials. It’d be amusing were it not for the tragedy of these people’s homes.

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