When I was in high school, they wouldn’t let girls take Shop, or boys take Home Ecch. I blame the gender biased teaching of the 1970’s for my inability to successfully tinker with electronic and electrical doodads. Because if I could, I would have built one of these babies a long time ago. What better accoutrement for a Victorian home and office could one have? And don’t forget the keyboard. Steampunk is an interesting phenomenon, with some amazingly inventive people working in the genre. The possibilities for inventive transformations of modern technology are only as limited as the imagination. The site’s creator, Jake Von Slatt, shows how to build one of these, so get out those tools!
Photo: Jake Von Slatt/

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. would be great business for someone to manufacture these in different styles, sizes. i’d like an mission style one, please.

  2. How did they get those little ivory keys on the keyboard? Demented as this may be, it features more design skill and wit than the ugly wooden sliding lid on the fireplace.

  3. that’s really cool. Does it make a ding! when you reach the end of a line?

    I expect the box with “Thing” in it is just outside of camera view….

  4. Aw, Minard, I’m trying to find my voice, here, and also show a multitude of different stuff for all kinds of tastes. My stylist, Bxgrl, thanks you for your obvious good taste.

  5. oy vey!

    you’re killing me here with these design extremes.

    Lets just say nothing tops the jeweled turban and muttonchops in terms of design excellence today. OK?