House of the Day: 312 Garfield Place
This huge and absolutely stunning Park Slope Renaissance Revival brownstone did not sell more than a year ago, when it was a House of the Day and asking $9,000,000. Now the new ask is $6,995,000, which if our back-of-the-envelope calculations are correct, puts it about just under $1,100 a square foot. It’s 22 feet wide and 78…

This huge and absolutely stunning Park Slope Renaissance Revival brownstone did not sell more than a year ago, when it was a House of the Day and asking $9,000,000. Now the new ask is $6,995,000, which if our back-of-the-envelope calculations are correct, puts it about just under $1,100 a square foot.
It’s 22 feet wide and 78 feet deep, on a park block, and seems to have endless original features in perfect condition, including an original bath, an onyx fireplace surround and untouched woodwork. Still, most top-of-the-line Park Slope houses seem to clock in at about $3,000,000 less.
Think this cut will get the deal done?
312 Garfield Place [Betancourt] GMAP
To answer the question by Cate, nope. You could build that exact same house (details and all for less even at todays prices).
Lets get real here people.
Isn’t it wonderful that it is free to be pedantic?
Reading carefully changes a whole lot of things. “3,000,000 less” (from the ask of about 7mm), not “3,000,000 OR less”.