124 dekalb avenue fort greene 82014

The old firehouse at 124 Dekalb Avenue in Fort Greene that housed Spike Lee’s 40s Acres and a Mule for more than two decades has been on and off the market for years and still hasn’t sold. We’re guessing the holdup isn’t the architecture, the finishes or the location, but the floor plan.

The building consists of two duplex apartments with only one bedroom each. Either one of the units would make a fantastic bachelor pad for, say, Batman or James Bond, or, of course, offices for a creative Brooklyn firm, but they’re not very family friendly.

Back in 2008, the firehouse was asking $6,000,000. In 2011 the price dropped to $3,900,000, as we noted when it was a House of the Day. Now the ask is $5,000,000. Think this is going to sell anytime soon?

124 Dekalb Avenue [Brown Harris Stevens] GMAP

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  1. The Real Estate taxes are already almost $25,000 a year, and will go much higher once the “NEW code architects” have done their number that all these $3,000,000 + buyers come with.
    The location is not the issue, because lets face it; Fire Houses, Carriage Houses are often in eccentric locations and all things being even, the location is great, but the whole place reeks of out-dated 1980’s renovation that all needs a major update and re-work at this date.
    It will find a buyer, if the seller really wants to sell it.

  2. This house has been for sale FOREVER. If it didn’t sell in 2008 for $6MM or in 2011 for $3.9MM, how in the hell will it sell now for $5MM? I actually kind of like the location, I feel the park kind of makes up for the hospital. It’s the interiors that are horrible – weird elevated platforms, spiral stairs, no yard and a god awful kitchen.