House of the Day: 119 Fort Greene Place
Other than the exposed brick on the parlor floor, this brownstone at 119 Fort Greene Place in Fort Greene has a nice feel to it. Plenty of original details, nice width (21 feet) and an extention; we’d be surprised if you could actually get $2,800 a month for the garden rental but it’s probably not…

Other than the exposed brick on the parlor floor, this brownstone at 119 Fort Greene Place in Fort Greene has a nice feel to it. Plenty of original details, nice width (21 feet) and an extention; we’d be surprised if you could actually get $2,800 a month for the garden rental but it’s probably not far off. The asking price is $1,995,000. Not insane if you factor in the expected 10% discount in this market.
119 Fort Greene Place [Douglas Elliman] GMAP P*Shark
Update: My bf and I went to see this house on Sunday and started putting together an offer. On Tuesday the agent emailed us to let us know that we were out of luck because it had just been purchased by a wealthy European couple – in CASH! Ridiculous.
come on guys, bkplebe is just trolling and seeing if it can get a rise out of you.
So you just make this stuff up as you go along? No one in Bklyn likes families? I guess you should tell that to all the families choosing to stay in Bklyn rather than move to the burbs. Something is making us feel welcomed. Most family-friendly neighborhoods in Bklyn that I know of enjoy pretty low taxes. And most have plenty of singles, restaurants & bars. This includes PLG.
As far ensuring that my children don’t take a wrong turn, that need would be there whether they lived in PLG, Park Slope or the UES. It’s called responsible parenting.
And F.Y.I.
Edgy does not = city and city does not = edgy.
I think you are right; the frame on adelphi and lafayette should be 1.2 or thereabouts now. I love that house. Those houses are very shallow – like 35 feet at most. The one next door is very pretty. And 1.2 would be finished. Now it looks like a big project.
I think you are right; the frame on adelphi and lafayette should be 1.2 or thereabouts now. I love that house. Those houses are very shallow – like 35 feet at most. The one next door is very pretty.
Can we get back to the house? Firstly, ain’t it just mahvelous to see ole Jerry Minsky again looking so air-brushed and pretty. So the parlor floor isn’t doing it for me. The new oak flooring laid on the diagonal, combined with the exposed brick walls, feels very 1980s. I’m also suspicious about the lack of kitchen and bathroom photos. And $2,800 for a one-bed rental seems delusional. We get $1,800 for ours in Prospect Heights (new reno, very nr subways, etc). The location is interesting: it’s fantastic if you place a premium on proximity to the subway, shops, restaurants and BAM. But maybe not so hot if you prefer a quieter, more “deeper into the hood” vibe that you tend to get a little further north and east.
Noki, all these things do exist in Brooklyn. But as a Brooklynite, I would like to complain about the commute and the difficulty of grocery shopping — we drive or take the subway to the CSA or the next neighborhood over or to Manhattan for pretty much everything except paper towels. The ideal solution would be to live one block from the Park Slope Food Coop. Except then you’d have to live in Park Slope, of course.
As for this house, the layout is perfect. The look would benefit from strategic upgrades: Plaster over the brick, better light fixtures, get rid of that fan please!, put in a more substantial looking iron stair outside.
Sumer is ycomen in,
Loude sing cuckou!
Groweth seed and bloweth meed,
And springth the wode now.
Sing cuckou!
noone in Bklyn likes family. they bring high taxes and expensive amenities. Wherever there is a family area then you are talking about the brooklyn suburb not brooklyn city. No singles means no edginess. No singles means no restaurants and bars. As for prospect lefferts you need to make sure the kids do not take the wrong turn.