Here’s a classic meat-and-potatoes Park Slope listing. The two family house at 524 2nd Street has a charming exterior, lots of interior details and a low-maintenance backyard. (It’s also zoned for PS 321.) At only 18 feet wide, though, it’s got a slightly more modest scale than some other houses in the area, which will make it interesting to see whether the asking price of $2,375,000 flies.
524 2nd Street [Townsley & Gay] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. I’m working!

    This seems like a nice, turnkey property in good condition. A basic house, nothing grand. The price should be on the lower to middle end of whatever houses in this location go for.

  2. For what it’s worth, this late in the day, my friend, a retired NYC fireman, says that sprinkler systems are worth their weight in gold, ugly or not. He said that whenever FDNY did inspections, they were always pleased to see them, and said they save more lives than any other fire protection system. He would never advocate tearing them out. You can recess the pipes in the ceiling, as only the jets and the sensors have to be visible. Making sure they are inspected and in working order is a must, as well. There are companies that do that for a couple hundred dollars.

  3. Have you noticed how the comments thin out for “meh” properties. It’s not grand enough for people to daydream about winning the lotto, and it’s not modest enough for most people to seriously entertain buying such a house.