This house at 178 8th Avenue in Park Slope is beautiful. It’s configured nicely. It’s been updated. It’s in a prime location. Great stuff. The price of $2,995,000, however, seems hopelessly out of touch. Maybe the stock market rally of the past few weeks emboldened the sellers to put a higher price tag on it than they would have at the beginning of the year but we just don’t think a house in Park Slope is going to fetch $3 million these days unless less it’s a unique mansion. And, as nice as this place is, it’s a relatively common brownstone. There’s an open house on Sunday from 1 to 3 if you want to check it out.
178 8th Avenue [Brown Harris Stevens] GMAP P*Shark

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Apart from the half bath in the garden “rental,” which obviously doesn’t work unless it’s commercial/professional space (which it could be — lots of doctors’ offices on 8th Avenue) … what’s this obsession in this thread with bathrooms?!? I can’t think of the last time I saw a brownstone with more than one bathroom per floor. A floor with three bedrooms and one bathroom? That’s not the least bit unusual.

  2. > “this location is actually a bit of a hike from the subway”

    True, but I find myself wondering, does the purchaser of a $3m home care about that?

  3. In both location and actual house I would rather live in the Degraw house listed today. That is much more reasonably priced at 1.7 or whatever it is and is just much more my vibe both in neighborhood and in the style of the interior. I find the dark woodwork here a bit heavy and depressing and this location is actually a bit of a hike from the subway. This house needs at least a million dollar trim in my humble opinion.

  4. “I think Brownstoner is the one out of touch. Clearly it will go close to $3mil. It is a good location, beautiful brownstone.”

    Jon pay attention because this will be the only time I will defend you!

    Homeboy you are the one “out of touch”! The Apples to Oranges augment is financing, Comps and Buyers are right now the Mutant Asset Bubble has ran out of those options. I suggest you attend a N.A or a A.A. meeting because you are snorting some good shit and I don’t want you nose to bled.

    “The best hoods of BK, ie BH, CH and PS are pretty resilient.”

    Famous last words! Hey Brownstoner maybe you can get this Asstard to work on the “Community Blog”, ROTFLMMFAO! He’s more delusional than you!

    The What (Six months)

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  5. HOD is good even w/o widget. Objections people have are very instructive. I agree this place should have more than one bath to share among 3 bedrooms but often the comments point out more abstruse issues.

  6. I think Brownstoner is the one out of touch. Clearly it will go close to $3mil. It is a good location, beautiful brownstone. Tons of comp to support a $3mil price.
    Problem with Brownstoner is that they mix apples with oranges. They keep comparing houses in bad neighborhoods to houses in the Heights, CH or PS. Come on, do your homework. The best hoods of BK, ie BH, CH and PS are pretty resilient.

  7. “In my opinion, great old brownstone houses like this one should be worth about a million, million and a half dollars.”

    Then I bid $1,500,001! Does that get the deal done?

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