Holy Fried Green Tomatoes! A certain actress (hint: not Kathy Bates) has decided to bail on the Boerum Hill townhouse she picked up only last year. What the 12.5-footer lacks in width it makes up for in exposed wood beams and marble fireplaces. The asking price of $1,465,000 looks low on an absolute basis for the neighborhood but when you consider the four-story house is only 1,680 square feet, they’re hardly giving it away. Especially when last year’s market-clearing price was $1,275,000. It also looks to us like the house is completely devoid of its crown moldings. Mon dieu!
386 State Street [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. “Owning a house doesn’t mean you’re better than a renter, apartment living is not lesser than living in a house- it’s simply different.”

    Absolutely. Definitely true. But for those who do pay attention to prestige (as we know there are plenty in NYC both in Manhattan and Brooklyn) the thing for them is now to have a house, with more than two children, and all the new upscale lifestyle stuff. Whether we relate to them or not, their desires certainly do drive the house market.

  2. Here’s the data, 7:05.

    Someone who sells a 1BR or 2BR apartment in Brooklyn gets about $600K to $900K for it depending on the neighborhood.

    Somebody selling a 1BR or 2BR apartment in Manhattan gets TWICE that.

    Okay so which one is more qualified to buy a house priced $1.5 million on up?

  3. Hey didn’t everyone hear? Brownsotner.com now is charge of the real estate market. It is filled with credible and informative individuals which is why Jonathon pays them to make comments in addition to being paid for it himself. Such individuals like THE WHAT, Biff, Limestoner, Brenda, Bob Marvin, etc,etc,etc,etc,etc are noted economists, real estate professionals, appraiser’s, mortgage consultant’s and the like. They help (like The Fed) keep the pace of pricing realistic and fair. It’s a daunting job. The pay is extraordinary and their insight and experience in incomparable. I for one would like to thank them all and of course jonathon for the amazing education they have provided throughout this economic downturn. And..now that they are wrong, sorry for those of you including stupid inferior real estate professionals who have held them in such esteem. I think the war has just ended. See ya buh bye, auf weidersehn, au revoir. BROWNSTOWN = ASSHOLES.

  4. A silly thread.
    Jeri blank seems like a real know-it-all.
    I think this house could be nice but it needs a lot of work. the block is not the best. it is very overpriced but who knows? there may be that manhattite out there who just sold their million dollar apartment and who has always been itching to live in a tiny house on State and Bond. But I doubt it.

  5. I rent- but my bedroom overlooks the backyard- renters get to hear the birds singing too.The whole house/apartment/renter/owner arguments are just silly- everyone’s tastes are different, and their needs are different. Owning a house doesn’t mean you’re better than a renter, apartment living is not lesser than living in a house- it’s simply different.

  6. i’m a former brownstone and house owner who went to a condo for the layout – 2 floors – living on one and bedrooms on the other. having 1000 sq ft of just living space is easier and more convenient. i also love having my condo neighbors. it depends on the person. not everyone is dying for vertical living. it’s a pain. especially if living room and dining are on a different floor. also, not having to be entirely responsible for weekly garbage and cleaning and all the repairs is really nice.

    oh, and central air!

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