House of the Day: 280 Carlton Brownstone Condos
We’re going to boldly predict that 2006 will be the year of the brownstone condo. Even with the slight easing in prices over recent months, the only way for anyone to make a quick buck on a brownstone now is to turn it into condos–which will often fetch a good 20% more on a per…
We’re going to boldly predict that 2006 will be the year of the brownstone condo. Even with the slight easing in prices over recent months, the only way for anyone to make a quick buck on a brownstone now is to turn it into condos–which will often fetch a good 20% more on a per square foot basis. This place at 280 Carlton is a good example. As far as we can tell, there are three units in building listed at a combined price of just over $2 million. As a single family, this probably would only fetch around, what, $1.7 million? It sold last July for $1.325 million and, if it’s the house we’re thinking of, it was in decent shape at the time. If the buyer put in another, say, $100 a foot, her cost would be a little under $1.7 million. That $300,000 spread is not a bad year’s work for a small-time developer–though mortgage costs would have eaten up another $50,000 or so in the meantime. Do our guesstimates sound about right?
280 Carlton Avenue #1 [Corcoran] GMAP
280 Carlton Avenue #3 [Corcoran]
280 Carlton Avenue #4 [Corcoran]
Set speed blogger, i’m glad to know you actually appreciate that monstrosity. Now i don’t have to bother reading your postings on this website. Sadly it makes me wonder what brownstoner sees in you though. How can he actually give up space on his website to a self-proclaimed critic who appreciates the horror that is the greenehouse? It makes absolutely no sense in terms of quality of real estate on the market, quality of housing in and around fort greene, architectural context, prices, anything. So brownstoner if i were you dude i’d start getting out of your cushy Wall Street deskjob a bit more and checking out some real estate yourself before you hand over the reins to one so unqualified as set speed.
I think many of you are just talking…… softening the market dropping…… do you know that house at 128 clinton listed by aguayo and hubener that you all sayed tons of things about it, sold at 2.2M!
Seriously, please get help. I’m sure Fort Greene residents are really thanking Jerry Minsky on his input into the facade of the vomit greene house condos.
this is sad. is jerry minsky actually posting about himself on here? nobody else would dare ask why everybody hates jerry. if this is you posting jerry please get help.
Oh my, lots of bickering. Seems like this is a sensitive subject.
Looks like some don’t know the difference b/t a condo and a co-op. Co-op’s maintenance charges are invariably higher largely because that money goes to cover the mortgage or lease on the property beneath the building, while condos don’t have that mortage or lease set-up to deal with.
Um, he was pointing out that the thousand dollar maint in the co-op probably covers a lot more than the $350 cc in the condo is all.
Um, it’s a condo so the unit owners would be individually responsible for their own property taxes. Plus, the gas might be seperately metered for each unit. Is this three or four units? If it is three everyone has to serve their time on the board. You better like your neighbors!
I am on the board of our small, 4-unit brownstone co-op — well, we all are. Wish that our annual expenses were 12k. Wish that is was twice that!