ps houseThis new listing from Harborview is a bit of a head-scratcher. In the NY Times classifieds, it implies the house is on or very near Prospect Park. If it is anywhere in prime Park Slope, the $1.5 million asking price seems very low. However, when viewed in combination with the one piece of actual information given in the listing–that it’s a 6-family house–and the lack of any pictures, we get very suspicious. The only explanation can be that it’s full of rent control tenants or, worse, that it’s an SRO. This kind of flimsy/deceptive listing is so frustrating and serves nobody’s interest. Avoiding disclosure of negatives may generate a few more calls up front, but in the long run it won’t fetch a higher price and the the listing firm–in this case Harborview–will only alienate potential clients in the process. When will brokers get the message and post comprehensive information and photographs? In this age of digital cameras and Property Shark, there’s no excuse.
Listing #5245 [Harborview Realty]
Prospect Park Brownstone [NY Times]

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  1. Open house by Corcoran this wkend on this one.
    Propshark shows just over 3000sq ft, 20×38′ bldg,
    Just transferred ownership from one real estate agency to another for $800,000. And 2 apts. that
    you have no right to kick out – possibly pay them
    some big $ and they might move.
    Do search on Corcoran – they have another new listing
    4 story about same price – on President that is a bit larger-4 fam (altho not as large as Minsky claims) with no rent stabilization.
    Tell me how Prospect Pl. deserves same price.

  2. Harborview advertises apartments in the building that I live in in Red Hook as “Steps from the F train” -which is completely untrue. It’s a 15 minute walk through some bad stretches. So, I wouldn’t take stock in what they say.

  3. Interesting comments. The NYTimes online ad does not mention proximity to the park. Corcoran lists the address.
    There are 4 vacant apartments. The two other apartments are RS or RC.
    I’m sure a buyer could pay them to move out.

  4. Amen. Brokers can talk all they want about how floorplans and pictures are no substitute for going and seeing a place… I don’t buy it. Sure I need to see a place before I buy. But I also deserve the information to narrow down my choices before I look. If they don’t show a picture of something I assume it’s bad. If they won’t tell me the location clearly, I assume it’s undesirable. If they don’t answer a question, I assume it’s an answer I won’t like.

    I suspect cryptic listings listings like this are bait to get phone calls and traffic in the door. It’s a waste of everyone’s time.