1550 UnionWhile we have been very pleased at the growth and enthusiasm of our readership, we’ve also been a little disappointed by the input (or lack thereof) of brokers. We’ve made numerous requests for brokers to send us their new brownstone listings, and yet the submissions (especially decent ones) barely add up to a trickle. So we were pleased to open our mailbox today and find this Crown Heights gem from Skyline Realty. We suspect that the 3,500-square-foot, two-family brownstone on what appears to be a very nice block will fit many of our readers’ criteria. The only obvious negative drawback for some people may be that it is only three stories. At the asking price of $799,000, this place is trading at about $225 a foot. How does that stack up against recent sales in the area? It may not be particularly cheap when you consider that a meaningful renovation will probably be required. Nonetheless, if this is your price range, it is probably worth a close look.
1550 Union Street [Skyline Realty] GMAP

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  1. Geez, if I were a realtor I’d be afraid to send listing to this site. We (your readers) are hyper
    critical and will manage to slander even the nicest house, price, etc. I think realtors fear that you will post a listing of theirs.
    I mean even the comment ‘obvious negative’ of a 3 story house. Perhaps you wanted/needed/required more than 3 – but I think for many that is a major positive.