House of the Day: FSBO on Argyle
The slower market has not dampened the spirits of one owner in Victorian Flatbush. The seller of 232 Argyle Road has built a very user friendly website to hawk his 5-bedroom, 3-bath woodframe in the sub-neighborhood known as Beverley Square West. Everything (except the kitchen, which looks pretty el-cheapo) appears to be in order and…

The slower market has not dampened the spirits of one owner in Victorian Flatbush. The seller of 232 Argyle Road has built a very user friendly website to hawk his 5-bedroom, 3-bath woodframe in the sub-neighborhood known as Beverley Square West. Everything (except the kitchen, which looks pretty el-cheapo) appears to be in order and we’re sure there are lots of buyers out there who will be interested. We’re not so sure about the price though. $1,495,000 might be pushing it. (The last time it changed hands in March of 2005 was for $975,000.) Then again, there’s not a lot of good product on the market in this area, so you never know.
Classic Brooklyn Victorian [] GMAP P*Shark
Um, 5:55, sarcasm is not exclusive to NYC. Besides, you clearly don’t know sarcasm when you see it (or rather, you find sarcasm everywhere it isn’t), so if you’re a native New Yorker, you don’t do justice to the sophisticated image you’re trying to establish.
If you click on the slide show of the front of the house, it has a shot of the lawn with 2 of those Alarm signs. Maybe it has an alarm system already.
It is a really lovely house. I don’t know about the price, though it does seem a little high, but their presentation is very nice. Great website! I think the same about the kitchen, though that is not fatal and the rest of the place looks intact and in good shape from the pictures.
I saw this house in 2005 as well. It was a flipper job. Lots of heavy painting over the woodwork, none of it stripped. Floors were not in good condition. No stained glass. Home depo kitchens and baths… The flipper left the previous tricolor siding (pink, white and I think yellow – very nasty), the new owners have given it a new paint job. It does have central air and all new systems, to its credit. But if this house is worth 1.5, my house, in the same nabe is worth 1.75… And I don’t see the crown jewels in PPS getting that yet…
FYI, a new roof on these home and when I say a new roof, I mean taking all the layers off could cost you $30,000 to $40,000 depending on how large your roof is…
For those who live in the area may have notice over the past few years every one is getting new roofs and thats because of the ages of these homes, they all have at least 3 to 4 layers already…
I am the original poster who mantioned the alarm system and what I was getting at is that many of the little things you’d expect to find (alarm system – which in a house with that many windows & doors would be a few thousand) and some big ones (stained glass) I’m bet there are some big things missing too. I was also rushing to reply because I just bought a house around the corner (with an alarm system but also with a dreadful kitchen) and am happy to see an interest in my new nabe.
There’s a good lesson for buyers in the silly conversation about the alarm system. How many vision-free dumbasses have turned down a great house because they didn’t like the dishwasher ($300 to $1000), because it needed a new roof ($5K to maybe $15K for most normal houses) or because the living room was painted purple? A lot of them. These costs aren’t even a rounding error when you’re plopping down a Mill and a Half. Irrelevant.
I don’t think it was sarcasm. The rest of PPSer’s post was completely serious.
I’d bet my bottoms that PPSer was joking. There’s this thing we have here in NYC…it’s called sarcasm. Get used to it, people!!