House of the Day: 371 Hancock Street
Here’s a house in wonderful original conditions on one of the best streets in Bedford Stuyvesant. The woodwork is to die for and there appears to be no shortage of ornate moldings as well. We’ll leave it up to those of you who attended yesterday’s open house, though, to opine on whether it’s worth the…
Here’s a house in wonderful original conditions on one of the best streets in Bedford Stuyvesant. The woodwork is to die for and there appears to be no shortage of ornate moldings as well. We’ll leave it up to those of you who attended yesterday’s open house, though, to opine on whether it’s worth the $995,000 asking price. How was the turn-out?
371 Hancock Street [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark
Thanks (for 5:11) mr B. I’m sorry for anything I did to fan the flames–I’ll try to remember your suggestion about taking a zen approach.
Thank you Mr. B. Much much appreciated.
Enough talk about the trolls. The original CHP and Bx2B are not trolls and have always made positive contributions to the site. We can tell who the trolls are and we’re just going to liberally delete their comments while the contemplate a registration process. We’d recommend taking a zen approach. Showing agitation or even responding to troll posts just fans the flames. Ignore while we lean harder on our delete button. Most people have a pretty good b.s. detector and don’t place any stock in obviously bogus comments anyway. Now let’s just move on, please.
But it does have all that great detail, and it looks to be in beautiful shape, and on one of the best streets in Bed-Stuy. Considering the prices asked for lesser houses, I really don’t think the price is out of whack. That said, it’s still very high and way more than I could ever afford. But the whole market seems that way. Who knows? It may sell for lower anyway.
this broker overprices EVERYTHING!
This house, while lovely, is only 17.5 wide and just 2,900 sq. ft. It seems to me that the BS houses that have sold in the near million or above range have all been larger than this one–and just as grand. Given that, the price seems awfully high.
For the record, and for the last time, Bx2Bklyn and I, CHP, are legit, have done nothing but post comments on issues we care about, in my case, brownstones first and formost, and gentrification issues second. For some unknown reason, a troll has taken a dislike to both of us, and has not left us alone since about sometime in March.
As you can see from our above posts, which are indicative of all of our posts, except when we have to waste time defending ourselves, we stick to topic, and try to add something to the conversation, just like almost everyone else.
Probably because it is soooo annoying having even one’s cyber name trampled in the mud, and on a daily basis, both of us have wasted too much cyber space answering the troll, arguing with all of his many alter egos, and defending our right to keep posting with the handles we chose to use instead of anon, just like everyone else with a handle on this board.
Brownstoner spends way too much of his time deleting all of this crap, and to the extent that my continued posting under CHP has caused him undo headache, and has become a headache to every other reader, I apologise. I posted anonymously for a while, and also under another handle, but have decided to remain Crown Heights Proud. I refuse to let some little twit chase me off this site. If Mr. B ever wants to block me, that’s his right. However, he, and those who have become both cyber and real friends in the time I began posting, know who the real trolls are, no matter how good they become at copying our writing styles or looking up words with over four letters in the dictionary.
I will continue to post as CrownHeightsProud, and I hope Bx2Bklyn will do so in her name as well. I will not take up anyone’s time any further in defense of myself, as I don’t need to. No doubt the troll will have some kind of pithy answer to this, and will bring out his cast of alternate characters to comment and demand the usual. I don’t care. I remain CrownHeightsProud. Bring it on.
Funny – the broker’s listing for the house contains several grammatical errors! Surprising for Corcoran.
I saw 229 Bergen this weekend. Nice house, some good details, needs some work but not excessively so. The best thing were the gloriously high ceilings. Esp given the recent 200K price cut, I can’t imagine the house lasting long now.