Hey, somebody’s gonna have to buy all those waterfront condos.

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  1. “Part of being a hipster is being pushed out of the hood you helped “found.”

    Um… helped found? What about existing residents?

    By the way, Columbus did not discover America.

  2. The Village Voice once described Ditmas Park an environs as “where aging hipsters go to retire.” I think that translates to “breed.”

  3. 11:04, nail on the head! Part of being a hipster is being pushed out of the hood you helped “found.” If the gentrification you yourself spurred ends up booting you out, you earn the hipster label and the right to bitch about it, not to mention the smug pleasure in exercising this right. Once you grow common sense, ditch the angst, and make an investment in your future by buying a home, you become The Man.

  4. “”Sure, it’s an hour from my day job and right next to a stinky canal and a power station, but that’s the whole charm—it keeps the yuppies out.””

    Holy shit, it’s Greenpoint!

  5. They had a previous one of these @ Black Betty back a couple mos ago. I had a friend who went and said it was so pathetically lame. Very pretentious. What are they going to tell you? Get a loan, get your daddy/mommy money, or your credit sucks, work on it? OK, bad attitude, but that’s the basics.

  6. Kevin, that article was hilarious.

    Favorite quote:

    “Sure, it’s an hour from my day job and right next to a stinky canal and a power station, but that’s the whole charm—it keeps the yuppies out.”

  7. Good Lord. Don’t they realize that hipsters enjoy whining about having to live 3 to a studio and not being able to pay their rent? Talk about not identifying your target market!