Pardon Me for Asking spotted a great advertisement Channel 4 spot from a program called “Open House TV” that features 45 3rd Place, aka the Carroll Gardens Atrocity aka the Carroll Gardens Bastard aka the Carroll Gardens Tumor Building. In the program, above, a current resident of Carroll Gardens is looking for a bigger pad in the neighborhood, and she almost does cartwheels while touring a unit at 45 3rd (sample quotes: “beautiful, beautiful”; “the angels are singing!”; “it’s everything I want!”). (FYI, they’re now trying to sell the two duplexes as a single residence.) PMFA has the following commentary on the show: “Obviously, she did not buy the place, otherwise, it wouldn’t be on the market anymore…Pardon me for asking, but why did they need a car to go from one place to the other? The distance from Ms. Stewart’s house and the two condos is ridiculously close. What a waste of gasoline.” You know, when the angels are singing, it’s tough to worry about the little stuff, like gas usage.
Desperately Seeking Buyer For 45 3rd Place! [PMFA]
45 Third Place Open House: Yuck! [Brownstoner]
Condos of the Day: No Buyers for 45 Third Place [Brownstoner]
A Current Look at Third Place Horror Show [Brownstoner]
Price for CG Atrocity a “Fantasy” [Brownstoner]
Real Photos of Carroll Gardens Bastard [Brownstoner]
Carroll Gardens “Bastardization” Hits Market [Brownstoner]
CG Atrocity: There Goes the Neighborhood [Brownstoner]

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