A reader sent word that a bunch of units at the Forte had just undergone price cuts so we checked in with the broker to see what was going on. Turns out that they are gearing up for a month-long “incentive pricing” initiative on ten units that will see two-bedrooms (like this one) drop to $650,000 and three-bedrooms (like this one), which was asking $976,000 as recently as January, get down to $775,000. (The Forte is a long-time advertiser on Brownstoner.)
Forte Marketing Effort Gets a Makeover [Brownstoner] GMAP
Condos of the Day: Price Cuts at Forte [Brownstoner]

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  1. “Don’t understand why they are not ForRente already…”

    Because the FEDs keep “Reggie-Miller-head-faking” people into thinking that economic recovery is right around the corner. And they keep “leaving their feet”. [whistle blows]

    “seems very illogical for anyone to offer asking price these days”

    Yup. Unless ask is (Peak Comps)/2 or less.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

  2. These priced seemed high when they started selling, and they still seem high to me even with these cuts. The only good news is that the tower planned for right across the street has been canned, so buyers have a better chance of maintaining their views.

  3. I agree…no reason to believe prices are going anywhere but down, so it seems very illogical for anyone to offer asking price these days. figure out what you are willing to spend, and if you are ready, go and offer it. Smart sellers will at least entertain the offer and use the information wisely

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