First Day Results for BK.LY
On its first day yesterday, received 818 unique visitors and shortened 115 urls. More interestingly, those tweeted urls generated 1,812 click-throughs.
On its first day yesterday, received 818 unique visitors and shortened 115 urls. More interestingly, those tweeted urls generated 1,812 click-throughs.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Congrats Mr. B. I just wish I understood what the hell that site is and how it works 🙂 But, congrats on the success nonetheless!
ROB – hahahahahaha
I hope so!
I mean am on this silly Twitter site all ready for tweets to come my way but I think you have to actually click into the peeps you follow and read their tweets?
I mean isn’t that what a blog is for?
LOL gemini you crack me up sometimes hahahah
Ok I just joined twitter for real this time and added Kathy Griffin and Brownstoner as people to follow
So now what? where am I supposed to see all their tweets?
Anyone who has used Twitter for more than a day will understand everything Jon has written.
i consider myself pretty tech savvy but honestly i dont really understand what this post means. id love it if someone could explain it? i’d hate to be missing out on something and i dont wanna get accused of being a stick in the mud again
Geek talk.