Brooklyn office space has been looking better and better since the economy turned. Last month, we reported that nine new companies had spurned Manhattan for cheaper digs in downtown Brooklyn. But turns out the big winner in the office market is shared office space: renting a desk or cubicle, or even a share of one, in a group space. The NY Daily News reports that “as the economic crisis lingers, laid-off workers and small businesses in Brooklyn are turning to communal office spaces to save money and kick-start dream careers.” They cite Dumbo’s 155 Water Street (photo), aka the Green Desk Building, the 3rd Ward in East Williamsburg and the Park Slope Writers’ Space in the Slope, places seeing a boom in membership since so many folks are getting laid off and starting over. Rent can range from less than $100 to over $3,200, and owners of such spaces say the need is perpetual, even if the recession is giving them a bump. “I think it had something to do with the economic climate, but it serves an obvious need no matter what the climate,” said 3rd Ward’s Nikki Bagli. “Artists are always in need of affordable space, and I think it’s even more vital right now.”
Economic Crisis Has Brooklynites Turning to Communal Offices [NY Daily News]

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  1. There has always been a demand for this type of space. I took tenant calls for almost five years for Two Trees as Director of Leasing and # 1 demand was for 100-500 sf spaces. Green Desk doing a great job fulfilling demand and more is needed. You’ll find even more demand in a stronger economy as new jobs in BK coming from small companies growing out of homes, ideas and layoffs.

  2. actually i’d be sorta mad if my company moved to brooklyn. cuz then i’d basically never be in manhattan. i don’t enjoy what manhattan has to offer and the only time i come to it other than for work are house parties in harlem and washington heights.


  3. Gotta say i’m surprised that Green Desk is doing so well. I looked at it and thought it was pretty expensive for what it is. Some of the windowed offices were nice, but the smaller desks were tiny and the space was not very well thought out IMHO.