This co-op at 55 Pineapple Street in Brooklyn Heights just hit the market asking $499,000. It seems like a nice, solid one-bedroom: Good-sized living room and bedroom, attractive if not spectacular prewar vibe; there’s an elevator but no doorman. The monthly maintenance is $973, maybe a tad high but not crazy. What do you think it’ll end up selling for?
55 Pineapple Street, #3D [Brown Harris Stevens] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Wanted to add that they just redid the bathroom, and kitchen was redone when they bought the place, a few years ago. Don’t know if it mentions the apt has 11-foot ceilings, the building was rewired when it went co-op, and all apts have double-glazed windows.

    No-dog rule is because several previous dog owners left their dogs alone all day, and the animals howled and barked and made life hell for everyone else in the building. Also peed in the elevator, a fault which some posters here may also share.

  2. The corner building is actually 45 Pineapple; 55 is to the right. Building is actually 7 storeys plus penthouse, so is no way a “high rise”. The dining room/foyer is 10′ x 10′, with window looking out on shared garden.

    Bjork doesn’t live there, though other performers do and have in the past, including Arnold Kinsella, used to be with Prairie Home Companion band.

  3. “If the average douche bag fratboy Wall Streeter just shared 10% of his ‘paltry’ bonus with me, I think my life would be transformed.”

    Do you only want 10% the douch bag fratboy money? How about 10% of everyone’s money? Everyone who’s making more money than you deem they need/deserve, that is.

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