This top-floor garrett at 25 South Oxford Street in Fort Greene hit the market last month asking $599,000 but was just reduced to $550,000. The 900-square-foot two-bedroom has some cute elements, namely the skylights and windows, but doesn’t appear to have much in the way of original details. The maintenance of $750 is neither here nor there. We bet this goes in the low $500,000s.
25 South Oxford Street, #5 [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. I saw this apartment last weekend. It is really small and does feel shabby plus the walk up is awful and the stairs are falling apart. I would pay MAXIMUM 450k for this place for the location alone.

  2. Seconding Mopar:

    I saw this apartment last weekend. It’s small and feels shabby, and it’s a long walk up.

    I’ve been looking to buy for a year now, because I do have a sizable downpayment nest egg lying around, from selling another apartment. I could afford to spend $520K if I stretched, which I won’t.

    But who in his right mind would buy a place now when you can rent a better place for so much less?

    Prices will have to come down drastically across the board before anyone rational chooses to buy over renting.

  3. BrooklynGreene and Nomi, she means a year and a half ago she was a single mom with 2 kids and 100K. Now, she is married, still with 2 kids and still with those monetary means (not spent on wedding).

    I should know, we’re siblings :o).

  4. Rob, it’s “lying around” not “laying around”. Lay takes a direct object: “I lay the book on the table.”

    Or, it’s the past tense of “lie” (as in recline, not fib):
    “Yesterday, I lay down on the couch at seven o’clock after dinner and ended up sleeping all the way until this morning.”


    LIE (as in recline)
    I lie down.
    Yesterday I lay down at eleven o’clock.
    I had lain there at least half an hour when the telephone
    rang waking me up.”

    LAY (as in putting something down)

    I lay bricks for a living.

    I laid the book on the table when I entered the house.

    I had laid the dishes already when I suddenly realized I hadn’t put down the felt pad under the tablecloth!.


    LIE (as in fib)

    He often lies to me but I don’t care.

    He lied to me yesterday but I let him get away with it.

    He had lied for years until she finally got wise.

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