Today’s Co-op of the Day at 467 Pacific Street in Boerum Hill is a FOB listing as opposed to an FSBO listing. (For those scratching their heads, that would translate as Friend of Brownstoner as opposed to For Sale By Owner.) Because of the personal connection, we’ll recuse ourselves from making any qualitative judgements and leave that to the crowd. Here are the basic stats though: Convertible two-bedroom, 700 square feet, $636 maintenance, $459,000 asking price. Think they’ll get their price?
467 Pacific Street [Douglas Elliman] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Actually, the nicest thing about that apartment is the nice antique oak tall cabinet – that’s the only thing that makes the place look good.

    An Grandma must be in great shape!

  2. No, when there’s no easy oil to be had, people in the most walkable/public transport city the country (with the easiest ability to live carless) will be sitting pretty.

  3. 1:49 has a point. The odds **are** pretty good that in 10-20 years, people will be saying that current New York real estate prices are an OBSCENE amount to pay. Inflation adjusted, they’ll probably be about half what they are now, and people will be scratching their heads, saying did those people think the laws of supply and demand had been repealed?

  4. I remember back in the 80’s when people used to go bonkers thinking that the 200K I bought my brownstone was an OBSCENE amount of money to spend for for house.

    I have no doubt that in 10-20 years, the same will be said about nyc real estate.

    And btw, 9:07, tell my 87 year old grandmother that she should have long moved out of her 1 bedroom walk up.

    4th floor no less. And she does the climb about 10 times a day.

    You are a pussy.

  5. sorry, i said before it was on the wrong side of Atkantic, but it is actually on the better side. So in two years it may be able to retain its value a little better.

  6. “$650 is “alot”? Are you on acid? Comps in this neighborhood are double that and will be 3-4x that in a few years.”

    I’d say you dropped all the acid yourself.

    Comps are nowhere near 1300/psf in this area, and will not be for a very, very, very, very, very long time. If ever.

  7. this looks like an awful, mean, little, apartment on an ugly block on the wrong side of Atlantic Avenue. Yuk!
    This is the kind of unit that will be worth $8o,000 in two years. There is nothing there.
    And anybody over 36 buying a walk-up apartment has to have their head examined.

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