We were still living in Williamsburg when work started on this building, a former warehouse at Roebling and South 1st. Given all the new construction crap going up on the South Side, we were glad to see some lofts being carved out of an old building. We like the clean, simple restoration of the exterior. As for the interiors, we don’t feel particularly strongly either way. Frankly, they look a lot like several other projects in the area marketed by Developers Group that do a great job showing off just how sexy that faucet is. We’re going to hope that some of you made it to the open house on Sunday and can provide a little color on what the spaces are really like. It looks like the units are being released bit-by-bit, with pricing for several units with outdoor space coming in at around $700 a foot.
Warehouse at 198 Roebling [Developers Group] GMAP

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  1. yet another scarano developers-group alts-and-lofts whatever development in wburg where every damn unit, not counting ground-floor-and-basement duplexes, is between 1000 and 1200 sq ft. has it ever occurred to any of these guys that maybe some people want bigger spaces and some people want smaller ones? or did they do a study somewhere and discover that the median would-be wburger needs exactly 1150 sq ft of living space?

  2. yet another scarano developers-group alts-and-lofts whatever development in wburg where every damn unit, not counting ground-floor-and-basement duplexes, is between 1000 and 1200 sq ft. has it ever occurred to any of these guys that maybe some people want bigger spaces and some people want smaller ones? or did they do a study somewhere and discover that the median would-be wburger needs exactly 1150 sq ft of living space?

  3. Peter, and Scarano, I think its just the fact both of your firms are tied together and both of your firms offer below par services. The developers group is a second rate firm at best, offering nothing to the consumer besides misinformed brokers working underneath egomaniacs. Scarano is a firm hell bent on making a profit at the expense of the communities surrounding your atrocious designs. The two of you belong together in the ditches where you will wind up. Didn’t anyone teach you not to burn bridges??

  4. It’s not shameless self promotion to offer someone assistance. And you obviously don’t have a problem with aggressiveness, so why so worked up? Sit down and talk to a friend. Relax. I don’t expect 100% of people to like the new developments on the market.(maybe your not a developer’s target market anyway?)You can have an opinion on finishes/layouts/architecture, I won’t be personally offended. It’s not like you’ve just insulted my girlfriend. Go ahead, what are you looking for? What’s your realistic price expectation for that product?
    Remember folks, it’s just real estate. A real estate agents job is to help people find what suits them. (style,function,affordability) We’re not here to tell you that you have to like ONLY the property listed at our respective companies. Tell us what you’d like to see. Additionally, if you have any REAL suggestions, send them my way. I can give that feedback to developers. Then they can get your living room to kitchen ratio just perfect. But please, don’t suggest a 1200 SF loft conversion for $400K on N.6th. Let’s work within the realm of possibilities. Happy Hunting!

  5. It is amazing that any more of the wack jobs haven’t come out to bash the developers group for trying to promote their clients properties in the best light possible. I always seem to forget that certain people who answer on blogs and are the same ones who have converted their rental basement apatments into what their old trailers used to look like. For them its hard to be open minded and fair dealing with other people. This is especially true for anyone who misses the daily medication and lives under those conditions.

  6. Just like brownstoner stated the interior design was just like all the other crap developers group markets. Don’t they have anyone over there with any taste? The layouts were pretty awful. The kitchens dwarfed the non existant living rooms. I can’t stand the developers group anyway but thought this would be different. Needless to say I was dissapointed again.

  7. went by on sunday. thought the interior design was great, not overstated, but very much in line with the simple exterior. definitely want to buy in this building, just trying to get my financing together.