This penthouse apartment at 70 Washington Street just hit the market with the not insignificant price tag of $2,800,000. It’s a killer apartment with private outdoor space and views of lower Manhattan so it’ll be interesting to see whether it can fetch the asking price with only 1,577 square feet of interior space; other high-floor units in the building without outdoor space are currently asking around $1,100 a foot. For what it’s worth, the apartment sold originally for $2,240,150 back in 2006.
70 Washington Street, #PH G [Halstead] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. “that two trees one everyone got their panties in a bunch about – dock st maybe?”

    Yup, that’s the building that would take out quite a few peoples views most likely on the lower floors.

  2. Bao, yes. Check the Carlton house on the biggest sale thread. Some houses/listings attract lust. Grossly overpriced listings get plenty of derision, even when they’re actually pretty nice places (even if not great values.)

  3. It is basically a one-bedroom apartment in its current configuration. The layout is uninspired and boxy/boring.
    The view is spectacular but does the view alone justify 2.8 million dollars? I have my doubts but who knows?

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