It looks like most of the units at 153 Lincoln Place—the former bordello in Park Slope—are now spoken for: Seven have closed, one is on contract and two are still for sale. One of the apartments that’s still available, Unit 3C, has had its asking price cut twice in the last three months, bringing it to $999,000 from an initial $1,245,000. It has a lot of space—1,388 square feet—so we suspect the problem has been the untraditional layout. Or maybe, to beat a familiar drum, it’s the lack of original details inside a historic shell. Thoughts?
153 Lincoln Place, #3C [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. It’s not fair to compare suburban (some suburban; white suburban) test scores with urban Brooklyn test scores. If you control for parents’ education, city kids do fine.

    And Rob, it’s totally bogus to think that PS middle school and high school kids get beat up every day when they leave the neighborhood. My daughter goes to a Lower East Side middle school where half the kids live in the projects. No danger whatsoever.

    Reminds me of the people that told me in 1989 that they wouldn’t take the C train to Clinton Washington; they’d get killed for sure. I did it for years and here I am. My daughter takes the A train Nostrand Ave. every day and she’s fine too. She even walks from the train to home when it’s dark outside.

    (knock wood of course)

  2. tara want to be my beard? we can join the the coop and drink tea with our new imported babies at the teat lounge. dont worry, they have faux b-feeding kits now. it’s for new urban mommies who want the experience of actually breastfeeding but for some reason cant. lots of tubes and latex involved. i think the babes in toyland in park slope sells them. it’s their hottest item!


  3. (turned out gay too!!)

    Gay? oooooooh!
    Well it’s trendy for gay men to live in Park Slope. Adoption is definitely the next step for you.
    I hear there’s a darling 2-bedroom apt. on Lincoln Place.
    Oh, but it’s outside 321 zone.

  4. I walked past school-letting-out time at 321 earlier today. It is definitely not white-bread. Nor is my block – Lincoln btwn 6th & 7th. My Haitian neighbor has lived here since the mid-50s as has a near neighbor from Barbados. Up the block another Haitian family moved in last year. Many Asian families & American-born black families. White families too but certainly not a preponderance.

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