Commenting Problems, New Server
As many of you have no doubt experienced in recent weeks, our commenting system has not been firing on all cylinders. It appears we’ve outgrown our current server. By the end of the week, we should be up on a new, much more powerful one and back to normal in the comments department. Thanks for…
As many of you have no doubt experienced in recent weeks, our commenting system has not been firing on all cylinders. It appears we’ve outgrown our current server. By the end of the week, we should be up on a new, much more powerful one and back to normal in the comments department. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime.
Mr. B
I actually think the anonymity of internet identities is a factor in the often uncivil nature of web discussions and, putting my mouth where my money is, choose to use my own real name as an identifier. I’m under no illusions that other people who register would do the same but, with the exception of those savvy enough to route their comments through a proxy server, at least registration in association with IP address mapping would prevent the sort of insanity we were experiencing with the “light font” nutcase. It would also greatly assist in following who’s saying what in a lengthy thread of back and forths. Right now, with 90% of the comments being posted by “guest” you’ve got no way of clearly understanding the flow of opinions (as exemplified by the frequent posts of “I’m not guest at 9:15” and the like).
I beg to differ. Anonymous comments make the blog very interesting. It is the prevailing wisdom of those who study the science of “blogology,” that requiring registration on blogs of this type benefits the particularly obnoxious, who will gladly go the few extra steps just to make insidiary remarks. The occassional and more benign posters will be the ones detered from commenting.
emphatically second BC’s sentiment.
Please kill the anonymous comments. They are killing the forum. Please.