It’s been a long, slow grind, but the new development at 268 Wythe Avenue is now over 60 percent sold. Last July, only one of the thirteen units was in contract; now eight are spoken for. Personally, we like the design: It’s a heck of a lot more interesting than your average new building in the area, that’s for sure.
268 Wythe Avenue Listings [StreetEasy] GMAP
Checking In On 268 Wythe Avenue [Brownstoner]
268 Wythe Revealed: You Likey? [Brownstoner]

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  1. Went to see this a while ago. You’ll never be able to clean those windows, and they installed some sliding doors instead of windows, have sealed them closed and claimed a miscommunication with the supplier. What crap, they must have been much cheaper. Also the private terraces in back of the apts are really public space. I am shocked they’ve sold this many.

  2. Now if those slats could be moved out of the way that would work. Otherwise they just get in the way of your view. Externally, they are an eyesore, one of the uglier buildings in the neighborhood.
    I’m actually surprised they sold 60%.

  3. Definitely much better in person. This is one of my favorite new buildings in Williamsburg (a short list, to be sure). The wood is looking a little tired, but I suppose it will need time to weather (I don’t know what kind of wood it is – cedar, maybe? In which case it would take on a grayish patina with some time). And yes, there are some bad details, like the little “tails” on the fins – 1′ or so long stubs attached to the bottom of slats, just above eye level.

  4. i live on the street and have to admit that it is sooooo much better than any of the other new construction. that being said, we have watched it seriously weather in the last year as it sat unoccupied and it was clearly constructed on the cheap side. once you look closely you see all sorts of crappy crap. rusting in parts, stains are running in others. the “prettiness” of the construction definitely wont stand the test of time…..

  5. From here, it looks like a urban motel with vertical NY Times knock-off wood bars. Bars over the windows, that is. Maybe as DH says it looks better in person, because this place would have a hard time beating out the bail bondsman place on Atlantic Ave. when it comes to appearance.

  6. The Corcoran site will explain all. It is an energy efficient louvre system designed especially for this building. It sounds silly to me. But there is an interior shot where you can see the effect and the exterior pictures on Street Easy and Corcoran are better. Still this building looks like it belongs on Atlantic Ave. with a bail bondsman in a ground floor store front.

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