A reader sent in a tip that a vacant new condo building on Metropolitan Avenue between Kent and Berry in Williamsburg has a creepy message written on a ground-floor window in what’s meant to look like blood: I Hate Children. Ironic? Or not? GMAP

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  1. funkymonkey — i couldn’t disagree with you more.

    Perhaps in your world blanket hatred of gay men or african americans or jews is bad but blanket hatred of children is cool.

    My world doesn’t work that way.

    The fact that the criminal in this case was being “ironic” does not change much in my opinion.

    We are what we do, not how we rationalize what we do.

  2. northsloperenter, i couldn’t disagree with you more. sure, you can replace the word “children” with a “[racial and/or religious group that you don’t think people should hate here]” and turn it into a hate crime. but we can also take the “i heart NY” logo and replace the NY with the words nazis or racists or the KKK or some other offensive group and turn that a hate crime too. or you could take this graffitti and replace the word “children” with “rutabagas” and watch the pro-rutabaga lobby go cuckoo. the point is not about replacing the word and what it COULD mean. it’s about what it says and what it does mean. and the person who painted it obviously does not like children. there is no evidence here that this person is a pedophile or a murderer. just a general nutcase. and this is not a hate crime.

    it’s just stupid graffitti.


  3. Creepy, yes. Not funny, yes. But hate crime? Gimme a break.

    Even if it’s serious (and that’s not at all clear), it’s just somebody saying they hate kids. And every kid knows that there are some grownups who are just to grumpy to like them, maybe even grumpy enough to hate them. Kids have lots of names for grownups like that. Asshat?

  4. “As sheajc pointed out – not very convincing. It’s hard to write that clearly in real blood, and it should have a slight yellowish hue!”

    Okay Etson – that was only mildly creepy!! 😉

  5. They have been filming for a movie all over Williamsburg/Greenpoint the past week (mta.info says buses are rerouted due to filming on clay st today)

    Maybe this is just leftover from a movie shoot involving zombie senior citizens.

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