We just got word that a scaffolding is going up at 56 Cambridge Place. We are hoping that this means the new owner is making an attempt to save and restore the wood frame house to its former glory. In our previous discussion of the structure, there was some disagreement among readers who had been inside about its condition and salvageability. It was the general consensus that it could be saved and that in fact LPC would make darn sure that it was, given that this is a landmarked district. We’ll keep you posted.
Fate of Cambridge Place Wreck? [Brownstoner]

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  1. I overlook the back of this house from my kitchen and bedroom. It looks so rotted out that I can’t believe they would be saving it. Though I am glad they are since that keeps something larger and more multi-unti from going up in its place.


  2. -shows they have permit for scaffolding or fence. No permits or application for tear down or any other work on their site as of yet- but a complaint that demolition was taking place today (whether complaint is accurate who knows?)
    They also have some Emergency violation issued couple weeks ago – and complaints violation that unoccupied bldg left open /not sealed.

  3. To tear down the house would require a bulldozer, right? A bulldozer couldn’t get through the scaffolding to the house, so I am leaning towards thinking/hoping it gets restored. Wouldn’t wish having to do it on my worst enemy, but more power to whoever is doing it. There is not a new permit up yet that might reveal what is going on – just the Certificate of No Effect for the fence.